Jobs near Rawalpindi
HR Executive
Job Descriptio :The HR Executive will be resposible for maagig HR operatios, implemetig HR policies ad procedures, ad esurig the efficiet...
Chief Executive Officer
We are seekig a dyamic ad visioary Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to lead JDFL ito its ext phase of growth ad iovatio. The CEO will be resposible...
Business Unit Head
Our cliet, Werrick Pharmaceutical Compay Pvt Ltd, is lookig for a skilled Busiess Uit Head to lead their Cardiovascular Divisio. If you have a Bachelor's...
CFO - Software & Consultancy Firm (US/Pakistan)
CFO - Software & Cosultacy Firm (US/Pakista)Locatio:Pakista (with oversight resposibilities for the Uited States ad Pakista...
Technical Support Lead
The Lead Techical Support Egieer is resposible for drivig cotiuous improvemet i the techical support process. This icludes idetifyig ad aalyzig...