Jobs in Nigeria
Baseline Assessment of the Project ‘Building Resilient Education Systems’
About Pla Iteratioal
We strive to advace childre’s rights ad equality for girls all over the world. With a bold purpose of esurig “All Girls Stadig...
Terms of Reference for an External Independent audit of Radiohjälpen funded Project
Pla Iteratioal is a idepedet developmet ad humaitaria o-profit orgaizatio that advaces childre's rights ad equality for...
Program Manager (Family Planning)
Positio Title: Program Maager Family Plaig
Locatio: Abuja, Nigeria
This scope of work (SOW) sets forth the services to be provided by the Program...
IT Analyst
The scope of work (SOW) sets forth the services to be provided by the Aalyst, IT to Techical Advice Coect LTD/GTE (TACoect), a o-profit orgaizatio...
Implementation Manager Nigeria, Laerdal Global Health
Are you a passioate leader with experiece workig i materal ad ewbor health programig i Nigeria? We are seekig a egaged, solutio-orietated...