Jobs in Nigeria
Data Analyst
Collect clea aalyze ad update legacy data to esure relevace ad accuracy. Provide statistical aalysis ad reports to support project goals. Accuracy...
Database Specialist
Desig implemet ad maitai a database for project data storage ad miig. Esure data accuracy security ad efficiet access. Timely ad expertise...
Accounts Receivable Officer
Mai Duties:
Commuicates with Cliets regardig their billig & maage credit with collectios via phoe, email, or physical meetig.
Hadles mothly...
WASH Consultant
Provide techical expertise ad guidace o water, Saitatio ad Hygiee WASH practices ad policies. Support project desig, implemetatio ad eval...
GIS Expert
Lead GIS mappig efforts, icludig high resolutio satellite image aalysis ad data iterpretatio. Produce spatial data visualizatio to iform project...