Jobs near Bloherfelde
Betriebsleiter - Fahrzeugtechnik (m/w/d)
Zum ächstmögliche Zeitpukt suche wir dich als Zeitarbeitehmer:i im Auftrag der Weser-Ems Busverkehr GmbH WEB für eie Eisatz als Betriebsleiter:i...
Doctoral student - physics, engineering (m/f/d)
I the research group "Fudametals of Turbulece ad Complex Systems" (TuCS) at the Istitute of Physics of the Uiversity of Oldeburg, as well as at...
Research Assistant (m/f/d)
ForWid - Ceter for Wid Eergy Research has a vacacy i the research group »Wid Eergy Systems« at the Istitute of Physics of the Carl vo Ossietzky...
PhD position Physics, Mechanical Engineering (m/f/d)
ForWid - Ceter for Wid Eergy Research has a vacacy i the team »Eergy Meteorology« of the research group »Wid Eergy Systems« at the Istitute of...
PhD Position - Physical Sciences (m/f/d)
The Uiversity of Oldeburg is seekig to fill the followig positio:
PhD Positio / Research Assistat (f,m,d)
Optimal cotrol for large offshore...