Jobs near Eddleston
General Manager
Geeral Maager | Luxury Health Club & SpaCirca £40,000 per aum plus additioal bouses ad beefits Ediburgh...
SWP Analyst
Our leadig Fiacial Services cliet is lookig for highly skilled SWP Aalyst to joi their Ediburgh or Wythall team for a 6 moths iitial cotract.The...
Senior Platform Architect
Seior Platform Architect | Up to £600 per day | 6-moth cotract | HybridA reowed cyber-security compay is searchig...
Service Delivery Manager
Service Delivery Maager Locatio: Ediburgh Salary: £45,000–£50,000 + £500/moth car allowace + attractive maager...
Product Owner
This is a ew positio for a highly experieced Product Ower with a iovative Medical Techology compay who develop AI Solutios specifically for...