Jobs near Roosebeck
Planning Specialist
Dalton in Furness
Job DescriptioJob Title: Plaig SpecialistLocatio: Barrow i Furess. Salary: Startig £40,748...
Engineer - Safety and Environmental Engineering
Barrow in Furness
Job DescriptioJob Title: Egieer – Safety ad Evirometal Egieerig (Product Evirometal)Locatio: Barrow-i-Furess...
Commissioning Project Leader - Mechanical
Job DescriptioJob title: Commissioig Project Leader (Mechaical)Locatio: Barrow-i-Furess. We offer a rage...
Customer Engagement Specialist - Uncapped Earning Potential (Hiring Immediately)
Job Descriptio##Where: EE Lacaster Cotact CetreSalary: £23,504 (£12.05 ph) risig...
Nuclear Safety Case Developer
Job DescriptioJob title: Nuclear Safety Case Developer Locatio: Barrow-i-Furess- We offer a rage of hybrid...