Jobs in Indonesia
Regional Growth & Expansion Senior Lead
**Job Descriptio**:
Lead a team of busiess operatios staff i retaiig existig local merchat accouts (local brads ad C2C) via etworkig with...
Senior Software Engineer-web Platform
Job Descriptio:
- Leadig major projects to build user-facig features o our ew platform to solve customer problems ad drive user egagemet ad satisfactio
Software Engineer - Ios
**Job Descriptio**:
- Desig improvemets to our existig product (i the iOS) platform by utilizig core Computer Sciece thought processes ad focusig...
Software Development Engineer / Programmer
- Bachelor degree i Computer Sciece or equivalet, preferably from a reputable uiversity (with mi GPA 2.5)
- Profoud kowledge...
Technology Senior Lead
Champios Developmet of Applicatio, Platform, User Access, Security Implemetatio. Resposible for Platform Roadmap of Compay-
- Lead multiple...