Jobs near Changi
Senior Officer, Sales
We are searchig for a motivated ad ethusiastic Sales Operatios Officer! You will be part of the Sales Operatios team, providig support...
HR Admin Assistant
- Staff recruitmet icludig advertisemet, iterviews, referece checks;
- Employee beefits;
- Compesatio ad evaluatio;
- Payroll...
Food Processing Worker
Operatig of productio machies ad adhere to the daily affairs of the productio
- Esure food quality is up to stadard
- Packig of food products -...
Office Cleaner
Performs tea lady as eeded
- Geeral office cleaig ad vacuum.
- Clearig of office trash bis
- Cleaig of office furiture, table, cabiets ad mirror....
Executive, Building & Facilities Management
The Office of Campus Housig (OCH) serves to make NTU the hub ad destiatio to deliver best-i-class campus for learig, workig, ad livig. OCH is...