Jobs in Singapore
Tender Manager (Building Project / ELV / ACMV / 5 Days / Central)
MNC Costructio CompaySalary rage: $6000 - $8000 (Basic) + $100 Mobile AllowaceWorkig hours:...
Patient Relations Manager (East / Healthcare settings)
Reputable Healthcare OrgaizatioGood career exposure ad opportuityAccessible workig locatioAs a Patiet...
Executive, IT Information Systems / IT / Business Solutions Singapore, Singapore
Iformatio Systems / IT / Busiess SolutiosExecutive, ITSPEED & SPIRIT is what we look for i our cadidates, defied by some simple...
APAC Sourcing Manager, DCSP
AWS Ifrastructure Services ows the desig, plaig, delivery, ad operatio of all AWS global ifrastructure. I other words, we’re the people who...
Emerging Market Trader
ResposibilitiesMaage tradig book uder give risk limits.Resposible for market makig ad maagig order book.Work...