Jobs in Singapore
Project Management Executive
Project Maagemet ExecutiveLookig to hire for a Project Executive/Coordiator to pick up ropes through workig closely with a Project...
Procurement Specialist
Job Descriptio:Overseeig all the purchasig processes ivolved i directly ad idirect procuremet such as techical...
Senior Quantity Surveyor
Resposibilities:Able to perform leadership ad traiig to the AE team.Provide costructive suggestios to superiors with...
Trainee – Fixed Term Contract - Flow Derivatives Strategist
ResposibilitiesWork with tradig team to idetify market opportuities i FX ad Rates markets, commuicate actively with...
Emerging Market Trader
ResposibilitiesMaage tradig book uder give risk limits.Resposible for market makig ad maagig order book.Work...