Jobs in Singapore
Human Resource Executive (Lease Management)
**Idustry: Educatio**
**Workig Days/Hours: Moday - Friday, 7.30am - 4.30pm/ 8am - 5pm/ 8.30am - 5.30pm**
**Salary: Up to $4000 (Deped o suitability/experiece)**
Lead Technician (Src Automation)
- To lead maiteace activities ad able to perform advaced machie troubleshootig ad adjustmet.
- To lead commuicatio with all...
Assistant Manager / Manager, Front Office
- Lead the Frot Office team to deliver the high stadards of guest experiece. Actively moitor ad develop stadards for daily...
Account Executive
- Hadle full sets of accouts AR, AP, GST F5 submissio ad tax computatio/filig
- Maage petty cash reimbursemet ad mothly...
Director, Head of Targeted Strategy - Asia Life
At M&G our visio is**:_to become the best loved ad most successful savigs ad ivestmet busiess _**ad we’re lookig for people who are excited about...